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Kitchen Radio

Episode 6: Sourcing Traditional Foods

Sourcing Traditional Foods - Foodwifery
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Here at Foodwifery, we talk a lot about traditional food preparation and consumption. How to cook, how to soak, how to ferment, how to dry. The list goes on.


And all of that is important.


But one thing is missing in all of this conversation: where do we find all of this food?


That’s just what we discuss in this episode.


Like many of you, we both started from nothing in this journey. We had no idea where to find the food we were looking for…or even what those foods looked like. We didn’t know how to find producers or how to talk to them once we had found them. We — like you — had to start at the beginning.


Luckily, the beginning is a very good place to start.


In this Kitchen Radio audio class, we talk the particulars of responsible “sourcing” — that is, finding the best food you possibly can.


We give you some helpful tips, some wisdom from our own journeys, and a few reasons to smile, as well.


As you listen, remember: this is not about guilt. This is about doing the best you can, right where you are.


Listen, learn, laugh. Share your suggestions with each other. And let us know how we can help.


We’re all in this together.




Laurie & Jamie


(P.S. When you’re finished listening, be sure to check out The 10 Commandments of Responsible Farm Sourcing.)

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