Introduction to the Wonderful World of Dairy
One of the biggest benefits of real milk is that it is very easy to digest. This means you end up absorbing and utilizing far more nutrients than most other foods from a high quality protein.
It also contains the perfect ratio of calcium to phosphorus to support healthy bones, teeth, and heart.
It contains all of the essential vitamins and minerals.
One caveat with real milk is that some people have negative reactions to drinking it. If you fit this category, then it is important to understand that it's NOT THE MILK that is the problem. Rather, it is a dysfunction within your digestive tract that is causing the problem. When you fix this dysfunction, then you can digest the raw and/or fermented dairy without consequence.
Real milk is NOT an evil food: when your gut is healthy, you can digest and absorb it's superior benefits.
Animal milk has nourished generations of humans for thousands of years, and that includes the raw milk from cows, goats, camel, sheep, yak, horse, and water buffalo.
In times past, the measurement of wealth was the size of the herds or flocks one owned. Why? Because it represented the ability to feed and sustain one's family, then to sell or barter the extra to those who didn't have animals. True wealth was to possess the ability to eat sustaining, nourishing food!
Despite all the history of proven sustenance of raw dairy milk, our current supply has been nutritionally compromised. Modern practices keep animals in large containment facilities, away from sunshine and fresh grass. They are specially bred for high production and not for nutrient-density; for quantity and not quality. The process of pasteurizing and ultr-pasteurizing the milk then further destroys nutrients, enzymes and probiotics.
Sadly, the resulting milk 'substance' is devoid of enzymes, and puts an enormous strain on the digestive organs, for children and adults alike.
If you want milk or other dairy products in your diet, seek the original; seek healthy raw milk. When you source it locally, you can see first-hand if the cows are allowed to pasture in pure, organic green fields, get plenty of sunshine and water, and to ask questions of your farmer. Remember, we are not only “what we eat”, but we are also “what we eat, eats”.
If your digestive system is sub-par and raw milk proves problematic, consider consuming this nutritional giant in the fermented form of yogurt, kefir, cheese, sour cream, buttermilk, and more. Often the increased amount of probiotics and lactase created in this process can aid and support your body's digestive organs to accept the raw product after time.
First, and foremost, milk is a broad spectrum nutritional powerhouse for growing bones and bodies.
It's the ultimate fast food: one glass of milk! (Make mine chocolate, please...) It quickly satiates and satisfies both the appetite and the body's need for sustenance to create energy.
Every other food is enhanced by dairy: cheese on grains, sour cream in soups, butter on steamed vegetables, yogurt in dressings for fresh fruit and veggies.
It's versatility is unmatched by any other food group: you can make dairy-based breakfasts, desserts, lunches, and dinners. Dairy can be a main food (smoothie, grilled cheese, cream soup), a condiment (sour cream, dressing, yogurt), or a dessert (ice cream, parfait, truffles).
Consider the legendary health and the simple diet of traditional Swiss societies: raw milk, raw milk cheese, and sourdough rye. That's it.
TERRIBLE: Ultra-pasteurized, and reduced fat supermarket milk. Often, high heat processed dry milk powder is added to the 1 and 2% types for thickening. No imitation milks.
GOOD: (If you have to, start here....) Supermarket Whole, Pasteurized Milk.
​BETTER: Whole, non-homogenized, pasteurized milk from grass-fed animals.
BEST: Local, organic, whole raw milk from healthy grass-fed cows.